
Saturday, November 12, 2005

[nilesfunnies] Fwd: Handy French phrases:

Merci de me depanner - Thanks for your help
[Actually -- thank you for helping me with my breakdown]

Ou est la gare? - Where is the station?

Qu'est-ce qui se passe? - What is happening?

Ou sont les pompiers? - Where are the firemen?

Avez-vous un extincteur? - Do you have a fire extinguisher?

A quelle heure est le couvre-feu? - What time is the curfew?

Pourquoi brulez vous ma voiture? - Why are you burning my car?

Avez-vous du feu pour allumer mon cocktail molotov? - Do you have a
light for my petrol bomb?

Les gentils Parisiens ne meritent pas ca - The nice people of Paris
don't deserve all this.