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Sunday, April 30, 2006

[nilesfunnies] Native American chief

The old Native American chief has won fame for his infallible memory. A
psychologist comes to test him to see whether the claims are true.

Astonished by his apparent total recall of everything that's ever happened
to him, the psychologist finally asks, "What did you have for breakfast on
the 17th September 1957?"

"Eggs," replies the big chief with only a moment's hesitation. Of course,
this statement is impossible to verify, but the psychologist is impressed
by his confidence.

The psychologist goes home and writes a long report, then moves on to
other things, but several years later he runs into the chief in the
street. "How!" he says, by way of greeting. The chief scratches his head a
moment, then replies, "Scrambled."

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