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Saturday, December 16, 2006

[nilesfunnies] Fw: Green Witch

Once upon a time in England, a very mean witch was terrorizing the local
population, and a delegation finally went to see the local wizard to ask
what could be done about her. The wizard gave them a potion that would
turn the witch into a statue. It wasn't easy, but the townspeople
managed to sneak the potion into the witch's food. When she found out
about this, she turned green with rage, but it was too late and the
potion worked as expected. The jubilant population had a big celebration
and parade, and placed the petrified witch in a park as a public example.
Pretty soon, people discovered that the witch had been frozen in a
position that made her a perfect sundial and started using her to tell
the time of day. The custom grew and even today, people often refer to
"Green Witch Mean Time."

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