
Saturday, September 15, 2007

[nilesfunnies] Seth Efrican

Here's a guide I received just this morning as it happens. This is for
black South Africans rather than white ones (because they have
distinctively different eccents).

Beck - not the front

Beds - doves, vultures, etc.

Ben - to set alight

Cut - a small vehicle drawn by a donkey

Errors - districts, e.g. "Ebbon errors" (urban areas)

Feather - implies distance - Cape Town is feather than Johannesburg

Guddin - around your house, where you grow plunts

Get - a hinged opening in a fence

Hair - as opposed to him

Hiss - masculine form of hairs

Itch - as in "itch and aviary pairsin"

Kennel - Army officer

Len - to acquire knowledge

Pee-Pull - Die Mense / people

Phlegm - the hot part at the end of a candle

Piss - symbolised by white doves

Suffa-Ring - as in "the pee-pull are suffa-ring"

Parrot Teksi - not a mamba of the teksi assoseshen

Toks - Negotiations

Weaner - the weaner takes all

Wekkas - they do the wek

Weld - The Earth